"If everybody in the world had the same mental capabilities, then no one would be considered a genius anymore."
-Anusha Talwalkar

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


2012 IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! I actually will tell you a story of what I saw on TV right before midnight:

I got ready for bed on December 31st, but then remembered that the next day was the first day of 2012. So I turned on the TV and immediately saw a big blur of blue from people's "2012" glasses. Then I watched Lady Gaga drop the crystal ball, and I saw a dude on top of the building where he might have gotten crushed by the crystal ball. Then there was, like, a TON of confetti and everyone was celebrating. The end.


  1. Totally awesome story!But it needs cats. Smiley face :D HAHA

  2. Yah....... This is a true story.

  3. I like this story, and I DO think (whatever you say...) it NEEDS RAINBOW SPRINKLE-COVERED FROSTED AND JELLY-FILLED DOUGHNUT CATS! YAY! i LOVE WRITING IN ALL CAPS! (As you could probably guess.)
